2A Clan

2A Server Hosting

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2a-clan has an exchange of around 60 Euro every month to maintain the services like homepages, domains, forums, e-mail system, rootservers, gameservers, etc.
That's why it's very important for 2a-clan to have a certain structure in the clan to distribute the rights and powers to the members.

Every member has a vote in the clan

Server and clan management are completely separated. All members have the same rights regarding decisions to be done in the clan. All active members can apply for clan duties such as: Forum administration, war organization and more. These responsibilities do not change the rank of a member in the clan.

All existing leaders, generals and captains keep their server privileges until the end of their payment period. These so called “server administrators” will have their own voting community regarding decisions about the servers, but they have no special rights regarding the clan.


Every member will be able to recruit and vote on new tryouts. Members can cast votes about anything they want, as long as they concern the clan and respect the rules of the clan. Every vote can only have the options “Yes” and “No”, and it only counts as passed if at least 5 members have voted and if at least 2/3 of the participants have voted “Yes”. There is a dedicated forum section in the member area for all votes.

Founder's veto-right
Modder is the only founder of 2a-clan. As 2a-clan founder, he will oversee all on-going developments in the server and clan management.In respect to the idea that everyone shall be equal, also the 2a-clan founder will only have one vote like all clan members. In order to protect the system and the future of 2a-clan, the founder has the so-called right of a “veto”. This means that the founder is able to freeze a vote if there is a strong reason that the integrity of the clan is threatened.

Before April 2017, read more from the news

The 2a-clan was split into 4 ranks. A different rank meant different responsibilities, but also different powers. Of course, everyone really likes to get a higher rank. But not everyone can have a higher rank: for each rank upgrade, a 2a-clan member needed to write an application and hope the 2a-clan generals to confirm the upgrade.

The highest rank in the 2a-clan was Leader. A Leader was responsible for the 2a-clan (homepage, gameservers) and the 2a-servers (support to clients). Becoming a Leader was nearly impossible as it needed a very strong relation to 2a-clan and to its members.

The Generals were responsible for the rating of Tryouts and recruiting. They could all vote if a clan or server topic is discussed, they're also responsible for administrating the servers.

The normal rank in the 2a-clan was Private. They were recruited Tryouts and had access to the private section of the forum, where discussions about the 2a-clan took place. Privates played clanwars and their membership basically never ended - unless they were inactive members.

The lowest rank in the 2a-clan was (and still is) Tryout. Every player can write a trial application, but he has to follow the rules very carefully and write an application in the related forum category. The trial period takes always three months, then the 2a-clan Generals and Leaders decide if the Tryout can get a Private.

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Forum Posts
.: Off-Topic :.
Count to 1'000'000 ()
27 Jan 15:05 by Anileos

Trial Applications
The Great ={2A?}= Downg... ()
16 Jan 22:38 by modder

.: MoHAA :.
Post your screenshots o... ()
06 Jan 11:39 by Michael

.: MoHAA :.
Discounts? ()
07 Feb 18:15 by Michael

.: Homepage :.
screenshots ()
15 Nov 20:24 by wappe


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