2A Clan

2A Server Hosting

Premium Partners



Donate to our clan
Gaming = Free?
Gaming is not for free. Maybe you can download a game from the internet or play a game as Spearhead Demo. But there is a place where the players come together, called "gameserver". That virtual place needs to be hosted by someone's computer. So the holder of a gameserver needs to pay the computer, internet connection, electricity - just everything you need at home to run a computer as well!

Why can't we make it for free?
2a-clan has running several computers now for the gameservers. To guarantee a professional gameserver farm, we work together with the most professional companies in Germany. The servers are located in huge datacenters in Germany, where we are sure to get the best care and best connections for our money. If we would run gameservers on our own computers, the servers would lag, ping would be high - just not as we want it!

How much?
Of course a clan like 2A plays in a high league, looking at the money. We are spending at the moment over 1000 Euro every year to guarantee the service of gameservers, Teamspeak, homepages, domains, etc. Yes, also for 2a-clan this is a lot of money! 2a-clan is depending on all of you! That's why we need donations; donations are never taken for fun activities, they are all directly used to cover the gameserver costs.

Thank you for your help!
We appreciate your help because we couldn't exist without you! If you plan to donate us some money, you may donate us by

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Forum Posts
.: Off-Topic :.
Count to 1'000'000 ()
27 Jan 15:05 by Anileos

Trial Applications
The Great ={2A?}= Downg... ()
16 Jan 22:38 by modder

.: MoHAA :.
Post your screenshots o... ()
06 Jan 11:39 by Michael

.: MoHAA :.
Discounts? ()
07 Feb 18:15 by Michael

.: Homepage :.
screenshots ()
15 Nov 20:24 by wappe


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